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CLI Commands


Run the Pest tests with php craft pest. This is a convienence function that internally calls the pest/init method and then ./vendor/bin/pest executable.

You may pass any pest options to this command by separating them with a --. For example, to filter down to a specific test you may run php craft pest -- --filter="renders the homepage".


Running php craft pest/init will create the tests directory, an associated tests/Pest.php file, a default phpunit.xml file, and a modules/pest/seeders directory. If any of these files or directories already exist they will be skipped.

This command id idempotent and can be run multiple times without issue. If you even want to reset your setup to the default Pest.php, for example, you can delete your Pest.php and re-run php craft pest/init to have the file recreated.

actionSeed($seeder = NULL)

Pest comes with a built-in database seeder that can be called in your own tests or via the command line. You may run the seeder with php craft pest/seed. By default, this will look for a class called \modules\pest\seeders\DatabaseSeeder. You may override this by passing a fully qualified class name as the first argument. For example, php craft pest/seed \\modules\\pest\\seeders\\UserSeeder.

Seeders are __invoke-able classes. Inside the invoke method you are free to seed your database however you would like, although commonly you'll use factories to create your data. For example:

class DatabaseSeeder
    public function __invoke()
        return \markhuot\craftpest\factories\Entry::factory()->count(10)->create();

You can override the defaults with the following environment variables,
