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You can simulate requests to the Craft application via several helper methods on the TestCase as well as via the standalone Http helpers. The most common helper is $this->get('uri') or get('uri'). This will make a request to Craft at the given 'uri' and return a TestableResponse.

You can kick off a request in a classic test,

it ('gets something', function () {

Using Pest's higher order proxies you can do the same thing without a closure,

it('gets something')

And, lastly, you can skip the description all together and use a descriptionless test.

use function markhuot\craftpest\helpers\Http\get;


All of these are functionally identical. You are free to select the syntax that reads the most naturally for your test and provides the right context for the test. For more information on the test context see, Getting Started.

get(string $uri)

Makes a GET request to Craft.

post(string $uri, array $body = array ())

Makes a POST request to Craft.

$this->post('/comments', [
  'author' => '...',
  'body' => '...',

Because many POST requests need to send the CSRF token along with the request it is handled automatically within the ->post() method. If you would prefer to handle this yourself you may use the raw ->http() method insetad. The above /comments example is functionally similar to,

$this->http('post', '/comments')
  ->setBody(['author' => '...', 'body' => '...'])

postJson(string $uri, array $body = array ())

Similar to ->post(), while adding aJSON content-type and accept headers.

$this->postJson('/comments', [
  'author' => '...',
  'body' => '...',

action(string $action, array $body = array ())

Maes a POST request to Craft with the action param filled in to the passed value.

http(string $method, string $uri)

Generate a raw HTTP request without any conventions applied.