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Elements (and some models) within Craft can be generated at test time utilizing Craft Pest's built in Factory methods. Factories abstract away the boilerplate of creating elements within the Craft database and allow you to concentrate more on the action of the test than the act of setting up the environment to be tested.

For example, you could create a new section, with specific fields. Then, create an entry in that new section and, finally, test that a template renders the detail view of the entry correctly.

it('renders detail views', function () {
  $plainTextField = Field::factory()

  $section = Section::factory()

  $text = 'plain text value';
  $entry = Entry::factory()


That example uses most of the common factory methods.


Create a new factory by calling ::factory() on the type of element to be created, such as Entry::factory() or Asset::factory().

muteValidationErrors(bool $muted = true)

Typically the ->create() method throws exceptions when a validation error occurs. Calling ->muteValidationErrors() will mute those exceptions and return the unsaved element with the ->errors property filled out.

set($key, $value = NULL)

Set an attribute and return the factory so you can chain on multiple field in one call, for example,

  ->set('volume', 'someVolumeHandle')
  ->set('fooField', 'the value of fooField')

The an attributes value can be set in three ways,

  1. a scalar value, like a string or integer
  2. a callable that returns a scalar. In this case the callable will be passed an instance of faker
  3. an array containing either of the first two ways
  ->set('title, 'SOME GREAT TITLE')
  ->set('title', fn ($faker) => str_to_upper($faker->sentence()))
    'title' => 'SOME GREAT TITLE',
    'title' => fn ($faker) => str_to_upper($faker->sentence())

Sometimes you need to ensure an attribute is unset, not just null. If you set an attribute's value to Factory::NULL it will be removed from the model before it is made.

count(int $count = 1)

Set the number of entries to be created.

This method affects the return of ->create() and ->make(). When only a single model is created the single model will be returned. When 2 or more models are created a collection of models will be returned.

Entry::factory()->count(3)->make() // array of three Entry objects
Entry::factory()->count(1)->make() // returns a single Entry

## definition(int $index = 0)
The faker definition for this model. Each model has its own unique definitions. For example
an Entry will automatically set the title, while an Asset will automatically set the source.

Factories are meant to be extended and subclasses should almost certainly overwrite the
`definition()` method to set sensible defaults for the model. The definition can overwrite
any fields that the model may need. For example a `Post` factory may look like this,

use \markhuot\craftpest\factories\Category;

class Post extends \markhuot\craftpest\factories\Entry
  function definition()
    return [
      // The entry's title field
      'title' => $this->faker->sentence(),

      // A Category field takes an array of category ids or category factories
      'category' => Category::factory()->count(3),

      // Generate three body paragraphs of text
      'body' => $this->faker->paragraphs(3),

inferences(array $definition = array ())

When building a model's definition the inferences are the last step before the model is built. This provides a place to take all the statically defined attributes and make some dynamic assumptions based on it.

For example the Entry factory uses this to set the slug after the title has been set by definition or through a ->set() call.

When creating custom factories, this will most likely meed to be overridden.


Set a sequence that will be iterated on as multiple models are created. You can set this to a callback (which gets passed the index) or an array of definitions where each definition will be used in order.

->sequence(fn ($index) => ['someField' => "the index is {$index}"])
->sequence(['someField' => 'the index is 1'], ['someField' => 'the index is 2'])

With the array approach the sequence will be iterated over and looped so if you pass two items in to a sequence the third created element will re-use the first item in the sequence. E.g., this will iterate around true/false admins creating 5 admins and 5 non-admins.

->sequence(['isAdmin' => true], ['isAdmin' => false])

make($definition = array ())

Instantiate an Model without persisting it to the database.

You may pass additional definition to further customize the model's attributes.

Because the model is not persisted it is up to the caller to ensure the model is saved via something like ->saveElement($model).

create(array $definition = array ())

Instantiate an Model and persist it to the database.

You may pass additional definition to further customize the model's attributes.


Returns the models that were made after calling ->make() or ->create(). This can be helpful if you are passing factories in to nested factories and you need to reference them later on. For example, the following creates a plain text field, a matrix field with a single block type containing that plain text field, a section with the matrix field and finally an entry in that section. Notice that we only call ->create() on the section and let the system figure out the rest of the inter-dependencies (like which fields are global and which fields are matrix fields).

$plainText = Field::factory()->type(PlainText::class);
$blockType = BlockType::factory()->fields($plainText);
$matrix = MatrixField::factory()->blockTypes($blockType);
$section = Section::factory()->fields($matrix)->create();
$entry = Entry::factory()
      ->set($plainText->getMadeModels()->first()->handle, 'foo')