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You can interact with HTML forms globally on a response or by targeting the specific form on the page. When interacting with a global form on the response the first form on the page will be used. If you have multiple forms on a page and need to access a form other than the first you will need to target it.

$response->fill('name', 'Foo Bar')->submit();
$response->form('#some-form-selector')->fill('name', 'Foo Bar')->submit();

fill(string $fieldNameOrSelector, mixed $value)

Fills input or textarea

$response->fill('name', 'Foo Bar');

addField(string $fieldNameOrSelector, mixed $value)

Creates and fills a virtual field

This is useful to emulate DOM manipulation that actually happens via javascript such as an Alpine or Vue component that dynamically adds a form field to the DOM.

$response->addField('wysiwyg_content', '<p>foo</p>');

tick(string $fieldNameOrSelector)

Set the checked state of a checkbox.


untick(string $fieldNameOrSelector)

Unset the checked state of a checkbox


select(string $fieldNameOrSelector, array|string|bool $value)

Selects one or many options from select

$response->select('#states', ['NY', 'NJ']);

click(string $buttonSelectorOrLabel)

Clicks a button on the form and submits the form

$response->fill('q', 'foo')->click('Feeling lucky');


Submits the form. When used directly on a response will find and submit the first form on the page. Otherwise will use the selected form.



Pulls the values of the form fields out of the DOM and returns them as a PHP array. This array can then be expect()-ed and asserted on.

Note: this is a contrived example, it doesn't actually test anything useful. Realistically you'll use this for debugging to see what Pest is doing, but remove it once you get to a passing test.

$values = $response->fill('name', 'Foo Bar')->getFields();
expect($values)->name->toBe('Foo Bar');

dd($var = NULL)

Does a dump on the class