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Entry Factory

You can easily build entries using the Entry factory.


Set the section for the entry to be created. You may pass a section in three ways,

  1. a section object (typically after creating one via the Section factory)
  2. a section id
  3. a section handle

If you do not pass a section, one will be created automatically.


Set the entry type

postDate(DateTime|string|int $value)

Set the post date by passing a DateTime, a string representing the date like "2022-04-25 04:00:00", or a unix timestamp as an integer.

expiryDate(DateTime|string|int $value)

Set the expiration date by passing a DateTime, a string representing the date like "2022-04-25 04:00:00", or a unix timestamp as an integer.

setDateField($key, $value)

Date fields in Craft require a DateTime object. You can use ->setDateField to pass in other representations such as a timestamp or a string.

Entry::factory()->setDateField('approvedOn', '2022-04-18 -04:00:00');
Entry::factory()->setDateField('approvedOn', 1665864918);

author(craft\web\User|string|int $user)

Set the author of the entry. You may pass a full user object, a user ID, a username, email, or a user ID.